Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Klivar, CSc,
World Information Distributed University Brusel,
Member of the European Organization art Critics AICA, Paris
František Tomáš Turek, Aa
Open Society of Artists president
WUC Executive Head, Art Director
Dear friends of culture and intercultural understanding,
Open Society of Artists - World Union of Culture and the Czech Association of Bohemians announces the 6th annual international art exhibition "Renaissance of Humanism" for every, whether amateur or professional artists from around the world. The exhibition follows up the exhibition entitled "Children, victims of violence and terror".
“Everything which is beautiful, is just as useful as that,
what is just useful.“
Categories and topics
Still Life
People and Portrait
"How I see Madame Humanité"
"How I see Renaissance humanism"
"Nice things around us"
"Me, my family and my country"
"My most beautiful experience"
"My country, culture and the arts"
Format – 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 50 cm or formats corresponding to the maximum specified size (50cm)
Statues, sculptures (up to 60 cm)
Design - technology
Drawing - pencil, charcoal, pastel, chalk
Painting - tempera, watercolor
Oil painting, acrylics
Combined techniques
Statues, sculptures (up to 60 cm)
Project roadmap
Announcement of the competition March 1, 2017
Deadline for receiving of works June 30, 2017 (MH, RH)
Closing and evaluation of winners July 21, 2017 (MH, RH)
Notice to participants of the exhibition July 23, 2017
Sending of exhibits to the exhibition up to August 23, 2017 (deadline)
International Exhibition PRAGUE - Chvalský zámek - October 2017
The award ceremony October 26, 2017
Sending Madame Humanité prizes from October 31, 2017
Entry fees
Participation fee is mandatory for all participants, and it is in the amount of € 20 for the first category and € 5 for each additional category.
Participation fees for entry in the competition must be paid together with the sending of the competition works. Applications for which there has been none or insufficient payment will be disqualified. Latest possible date of payment is June 30, 2017.
Possible methods of payment:
Bank transfer to the account
account number : 2200958175
IBAN: CZ2420100000002200958175
account number : 2500585171
IBAN: CZ4520100000002500585171
Please write „MH Praha“ in description field.
Sending works to the competition
All pieces of work for the competition must be submitted via the Internet. Items that are submitted via our homepage will not be evaluated. Maximum number of works is three (3) for each selected category / topic.
Paintings cannot be entered in more than one category / topic.
Photos of artworks must be in JPG format, and individual image should not be larger than 2 megabytes. The dimensions of the photo must be of a maximum of 1920 pixels with a resolution of 72 dpi.
For the file name, use the name of the work and the author's name. All necessary information will be gathered from the entry online system. A maximum of 30 characters. Please do not use signs like? / \:? * "<> |" #
Each participant who sends his /her work declares that he / she holds the copyright to the submitted work. A competitor confirms the work as his / her own. A participant allows organizers to reproduce his / her work for free for promotional purposes related to the Renaissance of humanism and Madame Humanité projects, such as catalogs, calendars, photo CD / DVD and website, if a participant explicitly states otherwise in the application.
Publication of images
Each participant is personally responsible for the work presented in the competition and for all what is stated in the application. He / she agrees with the publication and exhibition of his / her works in various sizes, exclusively in Renaissance of humanism and Madame Humanité projects, for educational, cultural events or the needs of non-profit projects.
Artwork can be rejected by the organizers, if it is not in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contest.
Competition assessment
Artworks sent to the contest will be evaluated by a jury appointed. The individual works will be evaluated according to individual categories - themes.
The jury will assess the works by artistic impression, visual impact, composition, originality of design, technology, human and artistic expression skills and strength of feeling and emotion.
Each year a representative from the general public is a jury member. Sponsors are not included in the jury.
All finalists will be notified of the opportunity to attend international exhibition of Renaissance of humanism - Prague 2017.
The individual themes winners will be announced at the annual awards ceremony Madame Humanité in Prague and published on the web pages of Madame Humanité.
František Tomáš Turek – Czech
Gérard Gratadour – France
Valerij Gudimenko – Russia
Aschat Akmetov – Kazakhstan
Milan Riecky – Slovakia
Sending works
To artworks competition send photos in JPG format, while individual images should not be larger than 2 megabytes. The dimensions of the photo must be of a maximum of 1920 pixels with a resolution of 72 dpi.
Participants in an international exhibition of Renaissance of humanism will be invited to submit their works for the exhibition. It is also possible to expose the original reproduction. (In such case it will be necessary to send the photo in higher resolution.)
Winners of the individual categories – topics
Renaissance of humanism - Prague 2017
Sculpture "Madame Humanité" 11x
Participants of the exhibition Renaissance humanism - Prague 2017
Annual Medal "Madame Humanité" 30x
The decision of Renaissance of humanism jury is final.
The jury reserves the right to award special prizes and the right to withhold some awards if the quality of the submitted works is not satisfactory.
Awards will be presented in person at the annual awards ceremony Madame Humanité and Renaissance of humanism in Prague, where authors can take them over in person or by an authorized person. In case of their absence in Prague, the prize will be sent to a winner’s personal address, via a courier or by mail, at the expense of the recipient.
All winners will be notified via e-mail about the results of the competition.
The results of the exhibition will also be posted on the website of the competition.
The exhibition catalog Renaissance of humanism 2017 will be free to get in an electronic form on the website of the competition.
Agree to the terms
The participant accepts by submitting his / her application all our rules and conditions.
About Privacy
All incoming works are covered by the Act of the Czech Republic, on personal data protection, Act No. 101/2001 Coll. and other legislation. The competitors allow any use of their personal data that organizing committee deems necessary for the contest, or for legal and associative reasons. Personal data will also be used by the organizing committee, which will disseminate the results of competition and information about future competitions.
"Renaissance of Humanism"
The Chairman:
František Tomáš Turek
Phone: +420 608 363 706
E-mail: info@madame-humanite.com
Web: http://www.madame-humanite.com/